
Elektroporcelán a.s. consists of two production divisions and one trading division.

Division of Insulators Louny is situated 2 km away from the town of Louny on the west at the main road Praha - Chomutov at the foothills of the České Středohoří. The plant was built up in 1950 as a very modern factory by that time, in which porcelain insulators for both high- and low-voltage applications were produced. In 1958 it become a centre of association of six Czech companies and one Slovak company engaged in production of ceramic products. Presently we produce first of all the reinforced and non-reinforced insulators of medium assortment for both low- and high-voltage lines.

Division Trading is focused on cooperation with external manufacturers. Traditional portfolio of products extending the EPL by the agency of the desired complex devices such as surge arresters or encapsulated transformers.


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